Building relationships. Building meaningful relationships with your Representatives is essential to building your business. As a Sales Leader, we know how much you love to celebrate your teams success. Celebrating success keeps your Representatives motivated, it makes them feel special, appreciated, and most importantly, valued. Plus, we know that those who experience all of these positive emotions stay with us for longer, which means more consistent sales for you in your network. The best way to celebrate success, is to do it consistently, through each quarter. Each of your Representatives will have different goals and be at different stages of their Avon Rewards journey. This guide will help you to understand who to contact, when, and with what key messages, so all your conversations are personalised and impactful.

Prioritising. To make the most of your time it's important to prioritise which Representatives you contact first, especially as your team size grows. We recommend your focus should be given to celebrating success and developing your Representatives to support them move up through the Avon Rewards levels, as suggested below. Reps who have moved up a level. Reps who are close to moving up a level. Reps at Gold Star and above who are close to moving down a level or becoming inactive. Reps at Gold Star and above. Reps who have maintained Silver Star and below and Reps at Silver Star who are at risk of moving down a level or becoming inactive. Representatives at Bronze Star who could become inactive. I like to celebrate Rewards with the team because it creates excitement, and results in motivation to achieve more.

Reps who have moved up a level. Who? Representatives who have moved up to the next level in the latest quarter / qualification period. Why? To celebrate! To provide personalised recognition to your Representatives who have achieved success, further establishing your relationship with them. When? Contact your Reps as soon as you can once levels have been revealed. Ideally during the first week of a new qualifying quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct). Continue to celebrate success during the quarter, sharing their success and how they are doing it with the team. What? Congratulate them on their achievement. Recognise their hard work and efforts. Ask them what went well for them and what didn't. Help them continue to learn and develop and reset goals. Ask them what goals they would like to achieve in this next quarter? Do they want to push for the next level? Together, brainstorm 2 or 3 ideas that they can work on. Ask, how you can support and share any Avon activities which may help E.G. incentives, training, etc. How? Check with your Representative how they would like to get together. Encourage them to have a video call, or face-to-face meeting, as you may find this more impactful.

Recognition and celebrating success. Why? Recognition and celebrating success keeps your Representatives motivated, makes them feel special and appreciated, and most importantly, valued. It's key to building an effective relationship. Examples of success to recognise and celebrate. Check with your Representative how they would like to get together. It can be nice to celebrate success as a group, so Reps can take inspiration from each other, and learn some top tips on how to achieve their own success. Tools to support you and your representatives. Check out the Training Academy on Avon Connect. Training dedicated for Representatives at their level, with top tips and inspiration to boost and maintain sales, from Silver Star and above.

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