The paper brochure is one of your go-to-tools for sharing your business. Remember, you can sell through the paper brochure, digital brochure and through social media. You should always ask your customer which form of brochure they would prefer to shop from. Let's take a look at how the paper brochure can help you build your customer base and boost your earnings. Share your business with the paper brochure. The first thing to remember, when looking for customers, is to always treat other Reps and their customers with respect.

Etiquette guide. When sharing your brochure with a new household it's important to understand if the potential customer already has an Avon Rep. You should not try to persuade them to order from you instead. it nobody is home, you could drop a Canvassing Cord through the door to introduce yourself which you can download from your Rep website If they get In touch to say they already have a Rep, you shouldn't try to persuade them to order from you, but do ask them to keep your details in case they ever find themselves without one. If you see a current brochure that is not yours on a doorstep, please do not collect it, it belongs to another Rep who has paid for them to build their own business. When you are collecting your brochures, if you inadvertently collect a ri order with another Reps details on the form, please contact that Rep and pass the order on to them. Ask your new customer how they would like to see the S brochure. Do they want one through the door, would they prefer to go digital? Send them your store ink and they can order direct delivery or get free delivery from you. Remember. When you find any new customers, the best way to ensure their loyalty is to provide them with excellent service.

Making Avon work around you. The great thing about Avon, is that you can fit it into your lifestyle when it suits you. Working with the paper brochure can require more of your time than using the digital brochure, as you need to physically go out to drop, pick-up and deliver. So, before you start delivering brochures, work out how much time you can dedicate to your business on a weekly basis. You'll be surprised at how much spare time you actually have! Remember, you can devote as much time as you want. Take a look at our weekly planner below as an example.

The blended approach. Using a blended approach to your business means using both the paper, and the digital brochure, to maximise all avenues and offer customers different ways to shop with you. If you're considering a blended approach, take a look at this monthly planner on how you can plan each week. We've also added in an example of how this approach can boost your sales. Choosing where to share your brochure. Before you begin putting your brochure packs together, you might want to use a postcode checker. It will tell you how many addresses there are in the street that you're about to target so you know how many brochures to prepare. To make this more achievable, try focusing on 50-100 houses at a time.

Preparing your printed brochures. Here's a checklist of what you'll need; Airtight clear zippy bag to place everything in. Latest Brochure (make sure this is visible and not blocked by other forms inside the bag). Canvassing Card (complete with a label with your personal details on). Order Form (with your details on). Bookmarks (to place inside the brochure to highlight a specific product). Tick list (many Reps create their own tick list when canvassing new customers to understand if they are interested in purchasing Avon, or if they already have a Rep. Take a look at our example on the next page). Sample (if you would like to drive a particular product. These can be purchased from the First Look digital brochure which can be accessed on your Rep Website or Via Avon On). For regular customers, you may wish to add a section of samples every few months to showcase products they haven't tried before Friendly note (once they become a regular customer). Remember, first impressions last, so make sure you present your business in the best possible light.

Door to door. Once you have chosen the area you would like to target, make sure you keep a record of the houses that you leave books with so you know where to go back to. Only leave the brochures with people for 2-4 days at a time, and go back on the date and time you stated as this shows you're reliable Using the record sheet, that you recorded which houses you put brochures in, make a note if they have left the book out, their preference off the tick sheet or if they get a Calling Card from you. If the book isn't left out for you to collect, pop a Calling Card through the door letting them know you've called, and when they should leave the book out for you to collect next time.

Introducing yourself. If you have some time on your hands, a great way to build relationships with new customers quickly is to introduce yourself. Rather than posting the brochure through the door, have a go at knocking the door instead. Knock the door, stand back and smile. Introduce yourself As you speak, hold the brochure out as they are more likely to take this from you. By handing over the brochure it is more likely to be looked at. Mention if you are local to the area. Don't be disappointed with rejections as this can save you time in the long run. This may take more time to deliver, but can make collection quicker if you have spoken to the prospective customer Try to select the time of day most people are likely to be home. If you're feeling nervous about knocking the door, take a friend with you to boost your confidence the first few times.

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