Welcome to this guide on how to make the most from using the Digital Brochure, as well as the First Look Digital Brochure, to gain new customers and maximise your sales opportunities. A new Avon Digital Brochure is created every month. Each month there is a new product launch featured on the cover, with varying offers that are available to you and your customers each time. It's super simple to show off the latest Avon products and offers within your first few days of becoming a Representative. You can share and view the full brochure with anyone, at any time, via whatsapp and Facebook Messenger. Let's take a look at the benefits when sharing through these social media platforms. For customers. Instant access to the latest Avon products and offers on the go. Can ask you any immediate questions they may have. Can send you an order right back via Whatsapp or Messenger. For You. Instantly share product news and special offers via Whatsapp or Messenger. Use your phone to accept customer orders. Your customers can order direct delivery, freeing up your time!

Sharing the Digital Brochure. You can share the digital brochure in 4 easy steps! Use your browser to log into your Rep website, or access the brochure through the Avon On app. Select the brochure you wish to share and then select the `share' icon, or copy your link. Choose the platform you wish to share on e.g. Whatsapp, Messenger or text. Then, on the next screen, just choose who you want to send the Brochure to. Add a personal message about ordering, and select 'send'.

The front cover of the Digital Brochure is updated weekly, as well as exclusive offers being added with every update! This is a great opportunity for you to re-share the updated Digital Brochure with your customers so that they don't miss out on last minute offers that wouldn't appear in the Paper Brochure. It's another great reason to re-connect with your customers and drive multiple orders through the month. Your customers will think they are looking at a new brochure every single week, making them more likely to place another order with you. For customers, shopping using the digital brochure couldn't be easier!

Your First Look digital brochure will be available each month in advance of the upcoming launch. This is a Rep brochure only and is not available to your customers to order from. What's different about First Look? It's jam packed with brand new, not yet released product, as well as top tips and knowledge to share with your customers. You can also find out about Avon's charity support, training that's available on Avon Connect, as well as sales and business tools. You can access your First Look Digital Brochure through your Rep website by clicking on the First Look banner.

Check out these top tips on how to maximise the First Look digital brochure! Invest in demo products. Choose to purchase products from First Look that you genuinely want to try, and have a passion for sharing! This will give you maximum time to share sneak peaks, demos and even get some pre-interest before a new launch. Plan ahead with your sales tools. Be sure to check out the sales tools to make sure you have everything you need to share your business in a professional way! Including brochure bags and canvassing cards! Check the full list of sales tools on your Rep website and in the First Look! Order samples. Did you know, Reps who buy samples to drive their business have average sales of up to 115% more! View and order your samples through the First Look brochure. Let your customers try before they buy and build loyalty.

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