Welcome to this guide on how to create and get started with your own Online Avon Store. This guide will show you how to set up and promote your online store, and give you ideas on how to make the most of your online business, with new and existing customers. Taking a blended approach to your business, that's selling through the paper and digital brochures as well as your online store, will give you the biggest opportunity to grow your business. Did you know? A digital only Rep sales on average £100. A paper only Rep sales on average £200. But a blended Rep (using both digital and paper) sales on average £400. That’s double the amount! Be sure to maximise all ways of selling to boost your earnings!

Why set up an online store? Having an online store of your own benefits both you and your customers. Benefits to your Customers: Online ordering with a personal touch. Flexibility to shop 24/7 anytime, anywhere. Receive regular updates and offers. Customers can choose to have their order sent direct to them. Saves time, and it's hassle free. Benefits to you: Have a blended approach to your business. Reach more customers to boost sales. Orders sent direct to you - no need to pick up order forms. Easy to share through social media platforms. Personalise with your contact details. However your customer shops, you earn.

Setting up your online store. It's easy to open and share your online store. Just follow these easy steps; Step 1. Create your online store. Go to your Rep website and select 'Online Store'. Step 2. Choose a name for your online store. Once in your online store, select 'Manage My Store'. Your online store name acts as a link to direct your existing and potential customers to your store, so it must be professional and easy for your customers to remember. You're not permitted to use 'Avon' in your store name, and once you have selected your store name, you won't be able to change it, so be sure to take some time to select the perfect name for your store. Step 3. Add your contact details. Add an email address and contact number. These will be displayed on your store so that your customers can get in touch with you. Step 4. Which area do you cover? To allow customers to find you in their local area, select `Change my area'. Then type in your area... (town or postcode). Drag and drop the pin into the centre of your area. Set your radius. Ensure you have selected add me to `Find a Representative' map. Then select 'Save my area'. Step 5. Add some personal touches. Add a friendly photo of yourself. Customers are more likely to choose a Representative when they can see what you look like. You can also add a short introduction. Hi there! I'm Esme... welcome to my Avon online store. I look forward to doing business with you, but for now make yourself comfortable and have a look around. I have some great offers for you, including a free gift when you try our new fragrance. Step 6. Status open. Select your status as `open' so that customers can start shopping with you straight away. If you wish for new customers to be able to find your store, ensure you select Show in `Find a Representative' search. If you only wish for customers to find you via a direct link that you share, select Hide from 'Find a Representative' search. Step 7. Automated payment option. Select your preferred payment options and select 'save changes' when complete.

Update Avon store content. To update the content and look of your store from the main menu, select 'Update Avon Store Content'. You have the option to select 4 featured departments to show on your online store. If you prefer not to use the default stores shown, select 'add/change departments'. You can also choose which look you want to feature on your online store. If you would prefer not to use the default option, select 'add /change content' and use the arrow to scroll through other options. Once chosen, select 'save changes'.

Promote your online store. Now that you have your Avon Store open, c great way to share it is through using socia media. If you don't have multiple social media accounts, now would be a great time to start setting these up. Remember, your preferred social media platform may not be the same, as your customers, so it's wise to use various platforms to capture more customers. Familiarise yourself with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. They're great for promoting your business and encouraging customers to buy Avon’s fantastic products. Which channel to use? Don't rely on just one social media channel, as some things work better when you get them in the right place. You can still pop printed brochures through your customers' doors! Have a go! Why not ask a Sales Leader to check over your first post from your online store? You could share something about your favourite product, or about a special offer that Avon is running. Make the most of the business opportunities that are already out there; If Avon has a great new direct deal, make sure you promote it. Join the social media selling sites available for Reps. You can advertise for free. You don't have to restrict yourself to just your local buy and sell groups. With direct delivery, you can sell to customers all over the UK. New content always available. Stuck for content? Just head to the Social Media Centre on your Rep website, or use the Social Media Hub as well as the Avon Social links available through the Avon On App.

Ordering for your customers. See how you can order through your online store on behalf of your customers. Watch this short video to see how you can take payment and setup direct delivery to your customer all via the store. You're now all set with your online store! Remember, using a blended approach with your business, that means selling through the paper brochure, digital brochure and via your online store link, will give you the biggest opportunity to increase your earnings!

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